v 前置浏览器设置(Browser settings): 1
Open browser-TOOL- Compatibility View Settings
Add“xiamenair.com” into Compatibility View。
If there are still display exceptions during use, please set the trusted sites.
Add ”https://quote.xiamenair.com” into trusted sites.
The supplier receives the inquiry website user name and the initial password, after choose the proper language, then visit the inquiry website.
When the user first login, enter the user name, password and verification code, select a language, click the landing, then the system will automatically jump to change password page, can change out the initial password, can also click the “next time” to skip this step.
Do not provide the password to others, use a password to lock all the operation were tried for the company behavior, economic and legal consequences are borne by the account holder. In the event the forgot password, please contact the buyer to reset the password, after resetting the password will be by mail form to send.
There are two operating areas on the page.
On the right side of the operating area: system operation
1.home: Show the home page
2. the company name: display landing supplier name
3. Change Password: pop-up password change page
4. logout: Exit system
The left side of the operating area: business operations
5.Quote: quote by Suppier
6.Contract: Contract operation by suppier
7.transport: find the forwarder information by suppier
8.Order: General contract terms
The upper part of the page shows current purchase plan which contains ongoing and ended ones, suppliers can query the plan according to the plan number and the status.
Lower part of the page: show the detailed information for the purchase plan which is selected. Supplier could edit quote information directly and save it through the save button.
Supplier can search the quote information using part number and export the information in excel form using the export button.
1. 厂家代码:由厦航内部系统导入,固化不能修改。
1. Vendor code: From the internal system of Xiamen Airlines Import, curing cannot be modified
2. 件号:由厦航内部系统导入,固化不能修改。(即厦航要采购的件号)
2. PN: From the internal system of Xiamen Airlines Import, curing cannot be modified(means: Xiamen Airlines wants to purchase part No.)
3. 报价件号:由供应商填写。(如价格字段不为空,则此字段为必填项。为方便供应商录入,初始化等同于“件号”。如供货件号不等同于“件号”,务必修改报价件号。)
3. Offered PN: Fill in by supplier.(If the price field is not empty, this field is required. In order to reduce the workload of the supplier, this field initialization is equivalent to the "PN". If the supply part number is not equal to the "PN", please change the “offered PN”.)
4. 名称:由厦航内部系统导入,固化不能修改。
4. DESC: From the internal system of Xiamen Airlines Import, curing cannot be modified
5. 询价数量:由厦航内部系统导入,固化不能修改。
5. Inquiry QTY: From the internal system of Xiamen Airlines Import, curing cannot be modified
6. 最小采购数量、最大采购数量:由供应商填写。(供应商提供在此数量区间内的报价信息,若此字段为空,则默认数量区间是无穷小到无穷大)
6. Min Order Quantity, Max Order Quantity: Fill in by supplier. (If the price field is not empty, this field is required. In order to reduce the workload of the supplier, this field initialization is equivalent to the "Inquiry QTY". If the supply quantity is not equal to the "Inquiry QTY", please change the “offered QTY”.)
7. 报价单价(不含税):由供应商填写。(填写不含税的人民币价格或外币价格.此字段只能填写数字,价格最多保留2位小数点)
7. U/P (tax exclusive): Fill in by supplier. (Fill in the price of RMB without tax or foreign currency. This field can only be filled with numbers. Price up to 2 decimal places)
8. 增值税:(适用于人民币供应商,根据报价单价(不含税)自动换算)
8. Added-value tax: oreign currency does not involve
9. 币种:由供应商填写。(如价格字段不为空,则此字段为必填项)
9. Currency: Fill in by supplier.(If the price field is not empty, this field is required.)
10. 件况:由供应商填写。(如价格字段不为空,则此字段为必填项)
10. Condition: Fill in by supplier.(If the price field is not empty, this field is required.)
11. 单位:由供应商填写。(如价格字段不为空,则此字段为必填项.为方便供应商录入,初始化为厦航需要的单位。如实际供货单位不等同于初始化的“单位”,务必修改“单位”。)
11. UNIT: Fill in by supplier.(If the price field is not empty, this field is required. In order to reduce the workload of the supplier, this field initialization is equivalent to the Xiamen Airlines’s request. If the supply unit is not equal to the Xiamen Airlines’s request, please change the “UNIT”.)
12. 交货期:由供应商填写。(如价格字段不为空,则此字段为必填项. 此字段只能填写数字.如填5,则表示交货期5天)
12. L/T(IN DAYS): Fill in by supplier. (If the price field is not empty, this field is required. This field can only be filled with numbers. for example: fill 5,it means that lead time is 5 days)
13. 适航证书:由供应商填写。(可选项,非必填。如有请填写)
13. TAG(FAA/EASA/CAAC): Fill in by supplier.( Optional, not required. If supplier could provide it, please fill it)
14. OEM证书:由供应商填写。(如价格字段不为空,则此字段为必填项.)
14. OEM CERT: Fill in by supplier. (If the price field is not empty, this field is required.)
15. 符合声明:由供应商填写。(如价格字段不为空,则此字段为必填项.)
15. COC: Fill in by supplier. (If the price field is not empty, this field is required.)
16. 索赔期(月):由供应商填写。(如价格字段不为空,则此字段为必填项. 此字段只能填写数字.如填48,则表示索赔期48个月)
16. WARRANTY(IN MONTHS):Fill in by supplier. (If the price field is not empty, this field is required. This field can only be filled with numbers. for example: fill 48,it means that warranty is 48 months)
17. 交货港:由供应商填写。(如价格字段不为空,则此字段为必填项.)
17. Place of Delivery: Fill in by supplier. (If the price field is not empty, this field is required.)
18. 报价说明:由供应商填写。(可选项,非必填。用于解释各种需告知厦航的事宜,如产品规格等)
18. NOTES: Fill in by supplier.( Optional, not required. This filed is used to explain various matters need to inform the Xiamen Airlines, such as Product specifications)
19. 鼠标右键功能1(复制):用于对一个件号提供多条报价(如由于证书、数量、交货期等原因产生的价格差异)
19. Right mouse button function 1(COPY): This function is used to provide varied quotation for a part number。(for example: Price differences due to certificates, quantity, delivery date and other reasons)
20. 鼠标右键功能2(清除报价):如报价错误,可通过此功能清除报价
20. Right mouse button function 2(clear quote):if you enter the wrong quote, you could use this function to clear the quotation.)
合同管理页面上半部分为合同主信息以及合同操作按钮, 可根据合同号、计划号、合同状态、业务员、发布日期进行合同查询合同列表并导出
The upper part of the page: show the main information of purchase order, and some function buttons. Supplier can search and export contract information according to the PO number, Plan number, Order status, Buyer, Issue Date to search purchase order
Lower part of the page: show the detailed information of purchase order,supplier can search and export the contract detail information (lower part of the page) according to the part number.
Click ”part number”, the system will pop up the details shipment information of this part number. Supplier could revise the shipment information on this page if the order status is “accept”. When a number has exceeded the time of “request delivery date”, the background color will be yellow
Contract: General contract terms have been solidified on the website, see” ORDER” modular. If you need the formal contract, please Contact buyer.(buyer could send the email to you or Upload formal contract to web site)
Accept PO: When the contract is generated at the inquiry site, the “order status” is receiving. This operation can be changed the “order status” from receiving to accept, said the supplier has accepted this contract.
REJECT PO: When the contract is generated at the inquiry site, the “order status” is receiving. This operation can be changed the “order status” from receiving to reject, said the supplier has rejected this contract. (warning: Xiamen Airlines will assess the number of the rejected order about supplier. if you Frequent reject PO, we will reduce the supplier's scope of supply, and even cancel the qualification of its suppliers.)
BATCH INFO: The supplier could maintain the shipping information of the PO(the order status is accept)
The page of BATCH INFO is used to maintain the master shipping information (please add the date into “Est. Time of Delivery” according to YYYY-MM-DD) and the part number/delivery quantity, etc.
Close order: The supplier could close the PO(the order status is accept). It means that supplier have delivered all the goods under this PO. If the shipment quantity is different from the order quantity, the system will pop the following tips
Click “确定” to enter the description page, Add and save the close reason, the order status will be changed to “close order item”:
Suppliers can only check the forwarder information, can not do other operations.
Search:According to the country, the city and the Freight Forwarder to show the forwarder information
v 合同条款(Order):
Order:It is the Static page, provide the general terms and conditions of contract.
The upper part of the page shows current RFQ which contains ongoing and ended ones, suppliers can query the plan according to the plan number and the status.Potential buyer can make package quotation for the single RFQ with amount and currency.
Lower part of the page: show the detailed information for the RFQ which is selected. Potential buyer can quote on any PN interested with QTY、amount and currency.
Remark: Potential buyer only can quote on the open RFQ.
Any problem during usage, pls contact Salesman at zhangting3@xiamenair.com and IT Support at xh--4ivb@xiamenair.com.